Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Here is our script for our film: November 13th

November 13th Script
EXT.  Field. DAY

We see a girl in her late teens walking towards us. She is wearing a rucksack and holding a map.

EXT. Woods. DAY

The girl walks through the woodland and occasionally checks her map, she looks a bit lost.

EXT. Dense woods. DAY

We see the girl from a different perspective, she emerges from some woodland and she hears a twig snaps, she is looking over her shoulder and looks nervous, she then turns around and walks on briskly.

EXT. Woods. DAY

The girls furiously checks her map, she is very lost. She sighs and walks on. She looks uneasy, checks over her shoulders, her breathing quickens.

The girl is sure that sure is being followed, she begins to run

EXT. Woods. DAY

We see the girl again from the stalker’s perspective, she is running and we follow her

EXT. Woods. DAY

We see the girl running through woodland, she stops to breathe, checks behind her and we get a close up of her face, she looks scared.

Her eyes widen and she begins to run again, she trips and quickly get back up again.

She continues to run, through woodland and bushes and the undergrowth, she ends up on a path, but she trips again, she is just about to get up again.

EXT. Pine forest/Woods. DAY

The stalker advances and is now standing over her, the girl is crying and looks petrified. She is breathing heavily.

The camera pans upwards

GIRL: Please…..No…Don’t

 The girl screams loudly.

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