Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Costume plays and important part in any film because it allows the audience to become completely involved in the world that the film creates. Here is the outfit we created for our main character:

Our character wears a blue quilted jacket like this one, which will be familiar to the audience because they have recently became fashionable, even though they are traditionally farmer's jackets. It waterproof which shows us our character thinks ahead and knew that she would be in the woods for a while.

We also decided to put our female character in jeans, a sensible choice for walking, and common, because we wanted to make sure she wouldn't look out of place walking in the woods.

We chose pink, argyle patterned wellies for our character, we felt that walking boots would be uncommon amongst most teenage girls, so wellies were an obvious choice. The colour and pattern are childish and reiterate the fact that she is young and innocent.

Our character is wearing a green rucksack similar to this one which shows she is either
  • going somewhere, like a friends house
  • she is running away
  • going for a walk and has bought spare clothes, food, water etc

For the opening title sequence not many props are used because we want to keep the audience intrigued about why the girl is in the woods, where is going, etc.

This is a map similar to the one our character is using, this shows us that she has a destination, somewhere that she is not familiar with or has not been before, this makes us question further where she is going and why.

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