Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Film Title Sequences: The Final Destination(2009)

Our brief was to create a title sequence for a film. My group chose the horror/ thriller genre, to get some ideas for our films, we researched title sequences from films of our chosen genre.

The first title sequence I watched was The Final Destination(2009). These titles were created by the animation company PIC. The titles feature an x-ray effect which shows some very creative methods of killing people, which clearly shows that this film is a horror instead of a thriller, for me, I found the titles a little too suggestive, instead of focusing on the plot the audience can guess that this film revolves around the murder, blood and gore instead of a complex plot. Although this title sequence is good, there would be no way of recreating these kinds of graphics for our title sequence.

Here is a link to the title sequence:

Final Destination Title Sequence

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